NSW Committee
The Irish Wolfhound Club of NSW Inc.
(Affiliated with the Royal NSW Canine Council Ltd, trading as Dogs NSW)
John Sharpe Doug Wylie
Office Bearers
President Stephen Gendle (Stephen.gendle@gmail.com)
Vice Presidents Kathy Palmer
Rhys Williams
Secretary Mat Paras (matman1970@gmail.com)
Treasurer Michelle Patison
Show Secretary Soile Gendle
Committee Lisa Barrios
Margaret Lazzar
Robert Lazzar
Louise Osborne
Libby Sheehan
Public Officer Stephen Gendle
Editor Libby Sheehan
Show Managers Rhys Williams and Robert Lazzar
Trophy Officer Robert Lazzar
Point Score Officer
and Special Point
Score Officer Kathy Palmer
Archives Officers Robert Lazzar and Michelle Patison
Web Master Libby Sheehan
Social Media
Administrators Stephen Gendle, Libby Sheehan and Mat Paras
Events Libby Sheehan
Puppy Referral
Officer Louise Osborne
Rescue Officers Libby Sheehan and Kathy Palmer
Auditor Vanya Neus
Meeting Venues
The General Meetings of the Club are held on the first Friday every alternate month, now at 7.30pm, unless informed otherwise.
The meetings are usually held at the German Shepherd Dog League Room Dogs NSW Complex 44 Luddenham Rd Orchard Hills
unless informed otherwise.
Firinne is the official publication of the Irish Wolfhound Club of NSW