The Irish Wolfhound Club of NSW
Member's Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics
1.A Member shall at all times, ensure that all dogs under that Member’s control are properly house, fed, watered, exercised and receive proper veterinary attention, as and when required.
A. A Member shall permit any person authorised in writing by the Dogs NSW Secretary, pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, to enter and inspect any premises owned or occupied by the Member for the purpose of investigating compliance with Regulation 1 of this Code.
2. A Member shall not allow any dogs which are registered in that Member’s name, to roam at large and, when away from home, must ensure that they are kept fully leashed or under effective control at all times. (8/05)
2A. A Member who is required to leave a dog in the care of another person for any period of time must ensure that the other person is made aware of the requirement to ensure that the dog is to be kept fully leashed or under effective control, at all times. (8/05)
3. A Member shall breed only with the intent of maintaining and/or improving the standard of the Breed.
3A. Members, who are breeders, shall strive to eliminate hereditary diseases within the breed. (10/95)
4. A Bitch shall not be bred from unless it has reached adequate maturity (no matings before 9 months for Toys and Brachycephalic Breeds, 12 months for others except Giant Breeds where a minimum of 18 months is to apply for matings) and is in good health and thereafter not more than twice in each succeeding period of twelve (12) months. In the event a bitch whelps a litter twice in twelve months then under no circumstances will another litter be registered for that bitch for a period of twelve months after a second litter. (9/03) (However, Applications for Registration of Litters whelped outside this Code will be considered for registration) (1/02)
5. A Member, shall not knowingly permit any of that Member’s pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross bred dog, or to any unregistered dog of the same bred or a dog on the Limited or Associate Register (except that guide dogs and working dogs shall be an exception to this prohibition). (2/97)
6. A Member shall not sell or otherwise transfer from that Member’s care any puppy under eight (8) weeks of age, thus allowing for vaccination which must be given at six (6) weeks of age, and for the necessary ten (10) to fourteen (14) days for the vaccination to take effect.
7. A Member shall ensure that all persons acquiring dogs from that Member clearly understands their responsibility for the care and welfare of the animal and that they have the time and facilities (ie adequate fences, sufficient room and proper shelter etc) to perform their responsibility for the care and welfare of the animal and that they have the time and facilities (ie adequate fences, sufficient room and proper shelter etc) to perform their obligations.
8. A Member shall provide to all purchasers of dogs sold or placed by that Member, written details of all dietary and immunisation requirements and/or appropriate publications relating to such requirements and responsible dog ownership.
9. A Member shall not: (i) sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers or retail pet dealers, who are not accredited by the Pet Industry Association of Australia Limited (PIAA). (05/05) (ii) allow a dog owned by that Member to be given as a prize or donation in a contest of any kind. (10/03) (iii) offer a dog for sale by auction through any form of media. (08/03)
10. A Member shall not KNOWINGLY misrepresent the characteristics of the breed.
11. A Member shall ensure that when selling or transferring a dog to another person, that documents, as required by the Regulations, are provided to the purchaser of the dog. (07/05)
12. Upon the sale of a dog a Member shall supply the new owner with a current vaccination certificate signed by a Veterinary Surgeon evidencing that the dog has been immunised against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo Virus.
13. No dog should be sold in a state of ill health.
14 Noncompliance with Regulations 1 or 1A of this code is deemed to be misconduct.
15. All Members must register all litters bred by them, either alone or jointly with another. Registration of a litter must be effected within 18 months of the date of whelping. For the purpose of this clause “litter” includes all puppies there from living at the date of registration of the litter. A Member shall register all puppies in a litter at the same time, and on one form of application for Registration of Litter. (04/03)
16. A Member who provided or makes available a dog for use in a film, advertisement, promotion, any media or public display must use reasonable care to ensure that: (a) the dog is portrayed in a fashion consistent with its breed characteristics and temperament as described in the Standard for the breed and (b) the dog is presented in a fashion that is unlikely to create a negative reaction to dogs generally or that breed in particular and that if there is any likelihood or a negative impression, this is at the same time corrected through the development of a story line that presents the dog or the breed (as appropriate) in a balanced fashion. (10/97)
17. Puppies can be exported at an age that is permitted under the relevant livestock import regulations of the country to which they are being imported but under no circumstances are weaned puppies younger that the age of eleven (11) weeks to be exported. (07/05)
18. It is mandatory that all litters of Irish Wolfhounds be tested for Portosystemic Shunt (Liver Shunt) and that only stock clear of the condition can be sold and that any affected hounds are never used for breeding purposes. (09/08)
19. A Member must not: (i) Falsely advertise, mislead people regarding the performance of any dog (their own or those belonging to others). (ii)Deliberately with malicious intent lying with writing or on social media to or about an office holder or committee member of the IWC of NSW or creating and/or promoting the spreading of false statements about such officers and committee members. (iii) Malign fellow breeders, exhibitors, or members of the Irish Wolfhound Club of New South Wales Inc. (iv) Cast aspersions on the Dog Judging fraternity. (v)To make false statements about other breeders or other breeder's breeding programmes. (3/23)
20. An exhibitor or member is not to contact a judge after the announcement of that judge’s appointment by any means that may be interpreted as promoting that exhibitor/member or exhibitor/member's exhibits. This includes social networking sites, email, and all electronic forms of communication as well as traditional forms of communication. Should a judge receive such an approach, they are required to make a report to the appropriate member body and disciplinary action may be taken against the exhibitor/member. The Show Secretary should inform the Judge and include the above clause in the Judge's contract. (3/23)