IWCNSW Sep 2023 Specialty Judge’s Critique By Tracey Luty (USA)
Thank you to the Irish Wolfhound Club of New South Wales for your hospitality, comradery, food, and
the beautiful silk scarf. I was honoured to be asked to evaluate your hounds. After seeing the list of your previous judges, I am humbled that my name will appear among this list of prestigious judges from around the globe.
Overall, your hounds were lovely. Some hounds who did not make it in the ribbons this day would still do well at another show another day. Not one should have stayed home from the specialty.
Since the day was hot, and in the interest of the dogs and handlers, I did not want them to stand out in
the sun while I wrote lengthy notes. Therefore, the following comments will be brief. Rest assured the
choices came down to minor differences in most cases.
Again, I was quite impressed with all your entries. If I had my magic wand, I would add a litle more
length of leg to the lot, but that was forgiven since generally all were balanced and had strong builds.
Baby Puppy Dog This class impressed me considering their age. I was excited that the first class presented to me was so lovely.
1) Wulfgar Tadhg - impressive gait for such a youngster. Nice bone, balance, and type.
2) Wulfgar Tartarus Storm - very typey, good layback of shoulder, nice bone.
3) Wulfgar Strong Protector - smaller but will likely develop to as pleasing a dog as 1st and 2nd.
Puppy Dog
1)CH Tirowen Cimiterre - nice easy gait, length of neck and good topline, beautiful type.
Reserve Challenge Dog, Best Puppy in Show, Best Type under 2 years old
2) Wulfgar Cuan at Clarionvale - gait less solid than 1st but once he settles will be quite nice.
Junior Dog - This can be a difficult age for IWs. However, all entries in this class were lovely and will only improve with age.
1) Cufian Cleary – Easy clean gait. Curvy top and underlines. Balanced. Needs spring of rib but that
will likely come with age.
2) CH Wulfgar Corbin Dallas – Fore and hind quarter angulation wasdesirable. Gait solid. Top line not a setled as 1st
3) Whirlaway Time Traveller – Very typey but rear gait not as solid.
Intermediate Dog
1) CH Tirowen Aurelius – Beautiful head with length and strength of muzzle and small rosed
ears. Nice layback of shoulder. Strong rear. Typey. Also Best Coated in Show Best Hindquarters in Show
2) Mionlach Finn McCool – Lovely top and underlines. Needs spring of rib and to mature some.
Australian Bred Dog
1) SUP CH MacLaomainn Derrys Dream - Beautiful easy gait with reach to the end of his nose and strong drive but not excessive. He kept his solid gait going all day. Structure of front and rear quarters was balanced and picturesque. I would like to see more height on this dog but not at the sacrifice of the balanced structure he has. Also Best headed dog, Best Gait, Best Bred
2) Ornumflow Easy Ryder - Strong and beautifully structured head. Nice rear assembly. Front a bit straight.
Open Dog
1) CH Lovellen Lord Grayson Manor – Best Open in Show Easy strong gait. Got the placement over 2nd with his reach and drive. Head a bit fine. Needs more height in leg
2) SUP CH MacLaomainn By Bryans Latino – Good forequarter structure. Beautiful type. Needs more height in leg.
3) SUP CH CIB Tirowen Octavian – Lovely tuck up and top line. Good forequarter and rear structure
Challenge Dog: CH Tirowen Octavian
Reserve Challenge Dog: SUP CH MacLaomainn By Bryans Latino
Baby Puppy Bitch
1) Wulfgar Kora - Best Baby Puppy in Show My notes say “pretty, pretty, pretty” I liked her overall structure. Good forequarters, hindquarters, and length of neck.
Minor Puppy Bitch
1) Shannonsrun Flaming Star –– Several pluses for this young girl. Great rear angulation with second thigh and well let down hocks. She already has substance and a nice topline, length of neck and strong
jaw. Reserve Challenge Bitch, Best Minor Puppy in Show
Puppy Bitch
1) Sandrack Naughty Noir – I loved this girl’s gait. She is a
litle finer boned than the other bitches, but she has a solid
2) CH Tirowen Nymeria – This puppy was more typey than 1st but her gait did not hold together this day. She may very well be going through a growing phase.
Junior Bitch
1) Whirlaway Frozen in Time at Greycroft – Best Junior in Show – This bitch had a
correctly structured head with strong long jaw. Nice front and rear angulation.
Her gait was the best of these two.
2) Sandrack Niamh Celtic Dream – This girl was a bit puppyish on this day. She was not wanting to
place her pasterns straight (parallel). Today her loin seems a bit long for her overall structure, but
she is young and will likely improve.
Intermediate Bitch
1) CH Tirowen Cynder – This bitch asked for the win from the second she stepped in the ring. She had a wonderful gait with strong reach and drive. Her structure stood out with height, heavy bone, solid
topline, and strong typey head. She was powerful all over. I would love to see her hunt or chase a lure.
She kept going and going this day through Best of Breed
2) CH Hollymorn Allegreto – Liked almost everything about this bitch: gait, head, hindquarters, and great height; however, she wasn’t using herself as well as 1st on this day.
3) CH Nuala Caer Dallben – Pleasant bitch. Needs a bit more leg. Was not placing her forelegs straight this day.
Australian Bred Bitch
1) CH Cumocroi Autumn of Kenzie – Pretty head, nice topline and strong forechest. Carrying a bit too much weight this day.
2) CH Mionlach Flidais – This girl has lovely gait and pretty head. Carrying a bit too much weight this day.
3) Wulfgar Agertha – Nice rear angulation and strong neck. However, her topline was weak.
Open Bitch
1) Ch Creena Summer Lovin at Whirlaway – She has good reach and drive to her gait. Good angulation of forequarters and hindquarters. Carrying a bit too much weight this day.
2) Ornumflow Elizalady – Shoulder a bit straighter than 1st. Nice rear angulation.
3) CH Wulfgar Kaisu – Typey bitch but could use more length of leg, stronger second thigh and overall size.
Class 18 Open Neuter Dog
1) Wulfgar Neacal
V1 - CH Wulfgar Its De Lovely V2 CH Wulfgar Freya
​Best Exhibit In Show: CH Tirowen Cynder
Runner Up Best In Show: SUP CH MacLaomainn Derrys Dream
Challenge Dog: SUP CH MacLaomainn Derrys Dream
Reserve Challenge Dog: CH Tirowen Cimiterre
Challenge Bitch: CH Tirowen Cynder
Reserve Challenge Bitch: Shannonsrun Flaming Star
Best Baby Puppy in Show: Wulfgar Kora
Best Minor Puppy in Show: Shannonsrun Flaming Star
Best Puppy in Show: CH Tirowen Cimiterre
Best Junior in Show: Whirlaway Frozen In Time at Greycroft
Best Intermediate in Show: CH Tirowen Cynder
Best Australian Bred in Show: SUP CH MacLaomainn By Bryans Latino
Best Open in Show: CH Lovellen Lord Grayson Manor